
作者:  2020-10-16 浏览量:669






2007.09-2014.01 台湾大学(台湾)商学研究所博士

2002.09-2004.06 国防管理学院(台湾)资源管理研究所硕士

1998.09-2001.06 慈济大学(台湾)公共卫生学士


2016.02-2019.07 莆田学院管理学院助理教授

2015.11-2016.02 卫生研究院群体健康科学研究所(台湾)博士后研究员

2014.09-2015.09 台湾大学商学研究所(台湾)博士后研究员

2014.02-2014.07 世新大学知识经济发展研究院(台湾)副研究员

2013.10-2013.12 世新大学知识经济发展研究院(台湾)助理研究员

2011.01-2011.07 香港城市大学管理学系Research Associate

2006.04-2006.10政治大学(台湾)管理硕士学程 (AMBA)行政助理




组织行为学中的领导(Leadership)、幽默 (Humor)以及创造力(Creativity)等研究方向


(* 代表通讯作者)

1.Lee, C. Y., Chiang, Y. C.*, Li, A., Li,X., Wu, Y. T., Lin, Y. J., . . . Zhang, X. (2020). Influence of humorexpression on suicidal ideation among adolescents: Mediating effects ofdepressive emotion and positive emotion. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1), 421. [SCI]

2.Chiang, Y. C., Lee, C. Y. (co-firstauthor), & Hsueh, S. C.*(2020). Happiness or hopelessness in late life: Adouble-blinded cluster RCT of the 3L-Mind-Training programme among theinstitutionalized older people. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(1), 312-323.[SCI; SSCI]

3.Chiang, Y. C., Li, X., Lee, C. Y.(co-first author), Rui, J., Hu, C. W., Yang, H. J., . . . Hsueh, S. C.*Protective equipment and health education program could benefit students fromdust pollution. Air Quality Atmosphere and Health, 10. [SCI]

4.Chuang, A.*, Lee, C. Y., Chen, Y. S.,& Yen, K. C. (2019). Research on employee creativity in Taiwan and EastAsia countries: Findings and Implications. NTU Management Review, 29(3), 39-82.(in Chinese) [TSSCI]

5.江宜珍*、李均扬、褚美洁、李贤、林胜男、江丰光(2018)。从禁用到善用:高校教师与学生对“互联网+智能手机”于课堂应用的定性研究。厦门大学学报(教学论文增刊)。 [CSSCI]

6.Chiang, Y. C., Chang, F. Y., Lee, C. Y.,Lin, D. C., & Lee, M. B.* (2016). Suicide reporting on front pages of majornewspapers in Taiwan: Violating reporting recommendations between 2001 and2012. Health Communication, 31(11),1395-1404. [SSCI]

7.Chiang, Y. C., Lee, C. Y.*, & Wang,H. H. (2016). Effects of classroom humor climate and acceptance of humormessages on adolescents' expressions of humor. Child & Youth Care Forum,45(4), 543-569. [SSCI]

8.Chiang, Y. C., Shih, H. L., Hsu, Y. Y.,Lin, D. C., & Lee, C. Y.* (2015). Effectiveness of a mind training andpositive psychology program on coping skills in schoolchildren in Taiwan.Journal of Child & Adolescent Behavior, 3, 246.

9.Chiang, Y. C., Lin, D. C., Lee, C. Y.,& Lee, M. C.* (2015). Effects of parenting role and parent-childinteraction on infant motor development in Taiwan Birth Cohort Study. EarlyHuman Development, 91(4), 259-264. [SCI]

10.Chuang, A., Lee, C. Y. *, & Shen, C.T. (2014). A multilevel perspective on the relationship between interpersonaljustice and negative feedback-seeking behaviour. Canadian Journal ofAdministrative Sciences, 31(1), 59-74. [SSCI]

